Monday, July 12, 2010

Stories in Blogs

A blog or a web-log is either a website itself or part of a website which is maintained by an individual who regularly edits or updates his blogs. You can say that a blog is a diary-type entry on regular basis and it discusses matters which could range from personal to merchandise-items. It could highlight ingredients of a product, could comment on individual problems or discuss on sex etc. There is no limit on which blogging cannot be done. It could focus on a particular topic which could include anything from web-designing to purchasing of furniture.

However, my purpose of writing this article is not to tell you what a blog is or how you can do SEO optimization for maximum popularity. You are well aware about all these matters. There are several articles which teach you on this subject.

You must have noticed or you might have also experienced also that a blog, whatever topic it is discussing, remains completely impersonal. Rather, you don’t get involved to such blogs unless and until it is discussing something on which you are immensely interested and you want to know more and more.

Why this thing happens? Why a blog does not appear interesting? On the contrary, people become engrossed in a story or narration of a real life drama. If you start writing on gardening and you start with a short story about your experience with a badly managed garden, you immediately draw attention of the readers and you can safely tell them what implements, organic or non-organic fertilizer, seeds, plants etc are required for a good gardening. It is natural habits of people to wait and read the outcome of a story rather its conclusion. Once you catch the interest of readers, you simultaneously start communicating the real messages which you had intended.

So, remember whenever you start writing a blog, think of an interesting story or incident connected to the subject matter of your blogs.

Happy blogging